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telegraf/plugins/outputs/mqtt/ at master 路 influxdata/telegraf 路 GitHub

2024-07-10 15:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

MQTT Producer Output Plugin

This plugin writes to a MQTT Broker acting as a mqtt Producer. It supports MQTT protocols 3.1.1 and 5.

Mosquitto v2.0.12+ and identifier rejected

In v2.0.12+ of the mosquitto MQTT server, there is a bug which requires the keep_alive value to be set non-zero in your telegraf configuration. If not set, the server will return with identifier rejected.

As a reference eclipse/paho.golang sets the keep_alive to 30.

Global configuration options

In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc. See the for more details.

Secret-store support

This plugin supports secrets from secret-stores for the username and password option. See the secret-store documentation for more details on how to use them.

Configuration # Configuration for MQTT server to send metrics to [[outputs.mqtt]] ## MQTT Brokers ## The list of brokers should only include the hostname or IP address and the ## port to the broker. This should follow the format `[{scheme}://]{host}:{port}`. For ## example, `localhost:1883` or `mqtt://localhost:1883`. ## Scheme can be any of the following: tcp://, mqtt://, tls://, mqtts:// ## non-TLS and TLS servers can not be mix-and-matched. servers = ["localhost:1883", ] # or ["mqtts://"] ## Protocol can be `3.1.1` or `5`. Default is `3.1.1` # protocol = "3.1.1" ## MQTT Topic for Producer Messages ## MQTT outputs send metrics to this topic format: ## {{ .TopicPrefix }}/{{ .Hostname }}/{{ .PluginName }}/{{ .Tag "tag_key" }} ## (e.g. prefix/ ## Each path segment accepts either a template placeholder, an environment variable, or a tag key ## of the form `{{.Tag "tag_key_name"}}`. Empty path elements as well as special MQTT characters ## (such as `+` or `#`) are invalid to form the topic name and will lead to an error. ## In case a tag is missing in the metric, that path segment omitted for the final topic. topic = "telegraf/{{ .Hostname }}/{{ .PluginName }}" ## QoS policy for messages ## The mqtt QoS policy for sending messages. ## See ## 0 = at most once ## 1 = at least once ## 2 = exactly once # qos = 2 ## Keep Alive ## Defines the maximum length of time that the broker and client may not ## communicate. Defaults to 0 which turns the feature off. ## ## For version v2.0.12 and later mosquitto there is a bug ## (see, which requires ## this to be non-zero. As a reference eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang defaults to 30. # keep_alive = 0 ## username and password to connect MQTT server. # username = "telegraf" # password = "metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics" ## client ID ## The unique client id to connect MQTT server. If this parameter is not set ## then a random ID is generated. # client_id = "" ## Timeout for write operations. default: 5s # timeout = "5s" ## Optional TLS Config # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = false ## When true, metrics will be sent in one MQTT message per flush. Otherwise, ## metrics are written one metric per MQTT message. ## DEPRECATED: Use layout option instead # batch = false ## When true, metric will have RETAIN flag set, making broker cache entries until someone ## actually reads it # retain = false ## Client trace messages ## When set to true, and debug mode enabled in the agent settings, the MQTT ## client's messages are included in telegraf logs. These messages are very ## noisey, but essential for debugging issues. # client_trace = false ## Layout of the topics published. ## The following choices are available: ## non-batch -- send individual messages, one for each metric ## batch -- send all metric as a single message per MQTT topic ## NOTE: The following options will ignore the 'data_format' option and send single values ## field -- send individual messages for each field, appending its name to the metric topic ## homie-v4 -- send metrics with fields and tags according to the 4.0.0 specs ## see # layout = "non-batch" ## HOMIE specific settings ## The following options provide templates for setting the device name ## and the node-ID for the topics. Both options are MANDATORY and can contain ## {{ .PluginName }} (metric name), {{ .Tag "key"}} (tag reference to 'key') ## or constant strings. The templays MAY NOT contain slashes! # homie_device_name = "" # homie_node_id = "" ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read ## more about them here: ## data_format = "influx" ## NOTE: Due to the way TOML is parsed, tables must be at the END of the ## plugin definition, otherwise additional config options are read as part of ## the table ## Optional MQTT 5 publish properties ## These setting only apply if the "protocol" property is set to 5. This must ## be defined at the end of the plugin settings, otherwise TOML will assume ## anything else is part of this table. For more details on publish properties ## see the spec: ## # [outputs.mqtt.v5] # content_type = "" # response_topic = "" # message_expiry = "0s" # topic_alias = 0 # [outputs.mqtt.v5.user_properties] # "key1" = "value 1" # "key2" = "value 2" field layout

This layout will publish one topic per metric field, only containing the value as string. This means that the data_format option will be ignored.

For example writing the metrics

modbus,location=main\ building,source=device\ 1,status=ok,type=Machine\ A temperature=21.4,serial\ number="324nlk234r5u9834t",working\ hours=123i,supplied=true 1676522982000000000 modbus,location=main\ building,source=device\ 2,status=offline,type=Machine\ B temperature=25.0,supplied=true 1676522982000000000

with configuration

[[outputs.mqtt]] topic = 'telegraf/{{ .PluginName }}/{{ .Tag "source" }}' layout = "field" ...

will result in the following topics and values

telegraf/modbus/device 1/temperature 21.4 telegraf/modbus/device 1/serial number 324nlk234r5u9834t telegraf/modbus/device 1/supplied true telegraf/modbus/device 1/working hours 123 telegraf/modbus/device 2/temperature 25 telegraf/modbus/device 2/supplied false

NOTE: Only fields will be output, tags and the timestamp are omitted. To also output those, please convert them to fields first.

homie-v4 layout

This layout will publish metrics according to the Homie v4.0 specification. Here, the topic template will be used to specify the device-id path. The mandatory options homie_device_name will specify the content of the $name topic of the device, while homie_node_id will provide a template for the node-id part of the topic. Both options can contain Go templates similar to topic with {{ .PluginName }} referencing the metric name and {{ .Tag "key"}} referencing the tag with the name key.

For example writing the metrics

modbus,source=device\ 1,location=main\ building,type=Machine\ A,status=ok temperature=21.4,serial\ number="324nlk234r5u9834t",working\ hours=123i,supplied=true 1676522982000000000 modbus,source=device\ 2,location=main\ building,type=Machine\ B,status=offline supplied=false 1676522982000000000 modbus,source=device\ 2,location=main\ building,type=Machine\ B,status=online supplied=true,Throughput=12345i,Load\ [%]=81.2,account\ no="T3L3GrAf",Temperature=25.38,Voltage=24.1,Current=100 1676542982000000000

with configuration

[[outputs.mqtt]] topic = 'telegraf/{{ .PluginName }}' layout = "homie-v4" homie_device_name ='{{.PluginName}} plugin' homie_node_id = '{{.Tag "source"}}' ...

will result in the following topics and values

telegraf/modbus/$homie 4.0 telegraf/modbus/$name modbus plugin telegraf/modbus/$state ready telegraf/modbus/$nodes device-1 telegraf/modbus/device-1/$name device 1 telegraf/modbus/device-1/$properties location,serial-number,source,status,supplied,temperature,type,working-hours telegraf/modbus/device-1/location main building telegraf/modbus/device-1/location/$name location telegraf/modbus/device-1/location/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-1/status ok telegraf/modbus/device-1/status/$name status telegraf/modbus/device-1/status/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-1/type Machine A telegraf/modbus/device-1/type/$name type telegraf/modbus/device-1/type/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-1/source device 1 telegraf/modbus/device-1/source/$name source telegraf/modbus/device-1/source/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-1/temperature 21.4 telegraf/modbus/device-1/temperature/$name temperature telegraf/modbus/device-1/temperature/$datatype float telegraf/modbus/device-1/serial-number 324nlk234r5u9834t telegraf/modbus/device-1/serial-number/$name serial number telegraf/modbus/device-1/serial-number/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-1/working-hours 123 telegraf/modbus/device-1/working-hours/$name working hours telegraf/modbus/device-1/working-hours/$datatype integer telegraf/modbus/device-1/supplied true telegraf/modbus/device-1/supplied/$name supplied telegraf/modbus/device-1/supplied/$datatype boolean telegraf/modbus/$nodes device-1,device-2 telegraf/modbus/device-2/$name device 2 telegraf/modbus/device-2/$properties location,source,status,supplied,type telegraf/modbus/device-2/location main building telegraf/modbus/device-2/location/$name location telegraf/modbus/device-2/location/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/status offline telegraf/modbus/device-2/status/$name status telegraf/modbus/device-2/status/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/type Machine B telegraf/modbus/device-2/type/$name type telegraf/modbus/device-2/type/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/source device 2 telegraf/modbus/device-2/source/$name source telegraf/modbus/device-2/source/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied false telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied/$name supplied telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied/$datatype boolean telegraf/modbus/device-2/$properties account-no,current,load,location,source,status,supplied,temperature,throughput,type,voltage telegraf/modbus/device-2/location main building telegraf/modbus/device-2/location/$name location telegraf/modbus/device-2/location/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/status online telegraf/modbus/device-2/status/$name status telegraf/modbus/device-2/status/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/type Machine B telegraf/modbus/device-2/type/$name type telegraf/modbus/device-2/type/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/source device 2 telegraf/modbus/device-2/source/$name source telegraf/modbus/device-2/source/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/temperature 25.38 telegraf/modbus/device-2/temperature/$name Temperature telegraf/modbus/device-2/temperature/$datatype float telegraf/modbus/device-2/voltage 24.1 telegraf/modbus/device-2/voltage/$name Voltage telegraf/modbus/device-2/voltage/$datatype float telegraf/modbus/device-2/current 100 telegraf/modbus/device-2/current/$name Current telegraf/modbus/device-2/current/$datatype float telegraf/modbus/device-2/throughput 12345 telegraf/modbus/device-2/throughput/$name Throughput telegraf/modbus/device-2/throughput/$datatype integer telegraf/modbus/device-2/load 81.2 telegraf/modbus/device-2/load/$name Load [%] telegraf/modbus/device-2/load/$datatype float telegraf/modbus/device-2/account-no T3L3GrAf telegraf/modbus/device-2/account-no/$name account no telegraf/modbus/device-2/account-no/$datatype string telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied true telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied/$name supplied telegraf/modbus/device-2/supplied/$datatype boolean Important notes and limitations

It is important to notice that the "devices" and "nodes" are dynamically changing in Telegraf as the metrics and their structure is not known a-priori. As a consequence, the content of both $nodes and $properties topics are changing as new device-ids, node-ids and properties (i.e. tags and fields) appear. Best effort is made to limit the number of changes by keeping a superset of all devices and nodes seen, however especially during startup those topics will change more often. Both topic and homie_node_id should be chosen in a way to group metrics with identical structure!

Furthermore, lifecycle management of devices is very limited! Devices will only be in ready state due to the dynamic nature of Telegraf. Due to limitations in the MQTT client library, it is not possible to set a "will" dynamically. In consequence, devices are only marked lost when exiting Telegraf normally and might not change in abnormal aborts.

Note that all field- and tag-names are automatically converted to adhere to the Homie topic ID specification. In that process, the names are converted to lower-case and forbidden character sequences (everything not being a lower-case character, digit or hyphen) will be replaces by a hyphen. Finally, leading and trailing hyphens are removed. This is important as there is a risk of name collisions between fields and tags of the same node especially after the conversion to ID. Please make sure to avoid those collisions as otherwise property topics will be sent multiple times for the colliding items.




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